Sacha Sangha
Sacha Sangha consists of people from many countries who gather together to receive ShantiMayi’s teachings.
Sangha means ‘gathering’ and that, which we gather together for, is Sacha - ’that Truth which cannot be denied’.
ShantiMayi is a part of the Sacha Lineage, a very old line of spiritual Indian masters.
Sacha Sangha is not something one signs up for. One is part of it, if one feels and wishes to be so.
ShantiMayi is a rare being in that she embodies that living “Principle” that resides within us all, though for most remains yet to be discovered. She is the first ‘westerner', as well as the only woman ever to carry the grace of her lineage of exceptional Indian sages around the entire world (and,for nearly three decades). This lineage is said to date back to the beginning of this universal cycle. The Sacha lineage exists solely for the purpose of the enlightenment of all beings.
ShantiMayi's talks are forums of inspiration. She and the assembly have an opportunity to address the concerns, questions and discoveries that 'people bring' to this precious time.
Central to every meeting is a spiritually inspiring exchange among genuinely sincere, spiritually mature people.
ShantiMayi is a Mystic and therefore, she eclectically draws upon the quintessence of many traditions as well as nature, saints and poets.
Though that is so, she speaks from her own direct experience, always mirroring us back to ourselves. Whatever awakens us to ‘Truth’ is in fact ‘the way’.
ShantiMayi inspires and blesses us to enliven the innate and wonderful potential of Awakening / Enlightenment dwelling within all beings at all times.
The Society
The Sacha Sangha Society was established in 1998, and
A yearly membership costs 200kr (follows the calender year). Payment is made to the Danske Bank: Reg: 1551, Account: 10163048 .
Remember to write your name. For new members, send your name and address to:
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